Friday, May 17, 2024

What's the difference between protected and internal? What about "protected internal"?


  • Definition: Think of protected as a family secret. Only you and your children know about it.
  • Example: Imagine you have a special recipe that you share only with your children. They can use it, but no one outside your family can.


  • Definition: Consider internal like company confidential information. Everyone in the company can see it, but no one outside the company can.
  • Example: Suppose you have an internal company document that all employees can read, but it is not shared with people outside the company.

Protected Internal

  • Definition: This is a combination of both concepts. It's like having a secret that you share with your family and anyone who works at the family business.
  • Example: You have a special recipe (protected) that you share with your children and also with any employees (internal) in your family-run restaurant.


  • Protected: Shared only within the family (you and your children).
  • Internal: Shared within the company (any employee).
  • Protected Internal: Shared with both family members and company employees.