Thursday, March 21, 2024

What is a LINQ query in C#?

 37. **What is a LINQ query in C#?**

    - A LINQ query is like asking a smart friend to find something for you from a big list. It's a way of asking the program to search, sort, or filter data in a flexible and easy-to-understand language.

38. **What is a tuple in C#?**

    - A tuple is like a mixed-up bag that can hold different types of things together. It's used to group multiple pieces of data into a single object.

39. **What is a CancellationToken in .NET Core?**

    - A CancellationToken is like a button you press to stop something from happening, even if it's already started. It's used to cancel tasks or operations in the program.

40. **What is a middleware in .NET Core?**

    - Middleware is like a helpful assistant that sits between the program and the outside world, handling requests and responses. It's used to add extra features or modify incoming and outgoing data.

41. **Difference between a repository and a service in .NET Core?**

    - A repository is like a specialized storehouse for data, while a service is like a helper that performs specific tasks for the program. Repositories deal with data storage and retrieval, while services handle business logic and application functionality.

42. **What is dependency injection in .NET Core?**

    - Dependency injection is like having a friend who brings you exactly what you need when you need it. It's a way of providing components or services to other parts of the program without them needing to know where those things come from.

43. **Difference between a singleton and a scoped service in .NET Core?**

    - A singleton service is like a shared resource that everyone in the program can use, while a scoped service is like a private resource that's only available to a specific part of the program. Singleton services are shared across the whole application, while scoped services are limited to a particular scope or context.

44. **Purpose of the ASP.NET Core pipeline?**

    - The ASP.NET Core pipeline is like a series of checkpoints that requests and responses pass through in a web application. It's used to handle incoming requests, process them, and send back responses, with each step adding or modifying features of the application.

45. **What is a JWT token in .NET Core?**

    - A JWT (JSON Web Token) token is like a special pass that grants access to certain parts of a web application. It's used for authentication and authorization, allowing users to prove their identity and access protected resources.

46. **What is a CORS policy in .NET Core?**

    - A CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) policy is like a set of rules that determines which websites can access resources from a web application. It's used to control access to resources from different domains and prevent unauthorized access.

47. **Purpose of the appsettings.json file in .NET Core?**

    - The appsettings.json file is like a storage space for configuration settings in a .NET Core application. It's used to store things like database connection strings, API keys, and other settings that can be easily changed without modifying the code.

48. **Purpose of the Startup.cs file in .NET Core?**

    - The Startup.cs file is like the main planner and organizer of a .NET Core application. It's responsible for configuring services, middleware, and other components needed to run the application smoothly. It's usually the first file that's executed when the application starts up.

49. **Difference between .NET Framework and .NET Core?**

    - .NET Framework is like a traditional tool that works mainly on Windows computers, while .NET Core is like a newer, more versatile tool that works on different platforms like Windows, macOS, and Linux. .NET Core is also more lightweight, open-source, and modern compared to .NET Framework.

50. **Advantages of using .NET Core?**

    - Some advantages of using .NET Core include its ability to work on different platforms, its lightweight and modular nature, being open-source, improved performance, and better support for modern web development practices like microservices and containerization.