Friday, March 22, 2024

What is the difference between Public, Static, void?

1. **Public**:

   - `Public` is an access modifier in programming languages like Java or C#. It means that a method or variable can be accessed from anywhere in the program. It's like leaving the door open for anyone to use.

2. **Static**:

   - `Static` is a keyword that means something belongs to the class itself, not to instances of the class. It's like a shared resource that all instances of the class can access. You don't need an object to use it.

3. **void**:

   - `void` is a keyword used in method declarations to indicate that the method doesn't return anything. It's like a promise that the method will do something, but it won't give you anything back.

**Example** (in Java or C# ):

public class Example {

    public static void greet() {

        System.out.println("Hello, world!"); // Printing a greeting


    public static void main(String[] args) {

        greet(); // Calling the greet method




- `public`: This means that the `greet` method can be accessed from anywhere in the program.

- `static`: This means that the `greet` method belongs to the class itself, not to any particular instance of the class.

- `void`: This means that the `greet` method doesn't return anything. It just prints "Hello, world!" to the console when it's called.

So, when we call `greet()` in the `main` method, it prints "Hello, world!" to the console, but it doesn't return any value.