Thursday, March 21, 2024

What is .NET Core

1. **What is .NET Core?**

   - .NET Core is like a toolbox that helps build modern computer programs that can work on different types of computers, like Windows, Mac, or Linux.

2. **Advantages of .NET Core?**

   - It's like using a super handy tool that makes building programs easier because it works on different types of computers, it's fast, open to everyone, easy to update, and lots of people know how to use it.

3. **Difference between .NET Framework and .NET Core?**

   - Think of .NET Framework as a tool that only works on Windows computers, while .NET Core is like a more flexible tool that works on Windows, Mac, and Linux. .NET Core also doesn't need as much stuff to run as .NET Framework.

4. **Difference between ASP.NET and ASP.NET Core?**

   - ASP.NET is an older way of making websites, like using an older tool, while ASP.NET Core is a newer, more modern way that's faster and works on different computers.

5. **How does dependency injection work in .NET Core?**

   - Dependency injection is like having a friend who gives you exactly what you need when you need it. In .NET Core, it's a way for parts of a program to get what they need without having to ask for it directly.

6. **Role of the Startup.cs file in .NET Core?**

   - The Startup.cs file is like the boss who decides what tools the program needs and how they should be used. It gets things ready when the program starts.

7. **Difference between middleware and filters in .NET Core?**

   - Middleware is like a helper that stands between the program and the outside world, while filters are like special helpers that change things when information goes in or out of the program.

8. **Purpose of appsettings.json file in .NET Core?**

   - It's like a list of rules and settings for the program, such as what to do when connecting to a database or what secret codes to use.

9. **Purpose of the wwwroot folder in .NET Core?**

   - It's like a storage room for files that the program needs, like pictures or styles, that anyone using the program can access easily.

10. **Difference between Razor Pages and MVC in .NET Core?**

    - Razor Pages is like an easy way of making simple websites, while MVC is a bit more complex and good for bigger projects.