Monday, July 24, 2023

When does the "21-mismatchtotaldebitforbatch" error occur during the ACH file upload process?

The error message "21-mismatchtotaldebitforbatch" seems to be a specific error code used by to indicate a problem with the total debit amount in the ACH text file you are uploading.

To resolve this issue, consider the following steps:

  1. Check ACH text file data: Review the ACH text file you are uploading to ensure that the debit amounts in the file add up correctly to the total debit amount specified in the batch header.

  2. Verify batch header: Ensure that the batch header contains the correct total debit amount for the batch, and it accurately reflects the sum of individual debits in the file.

  3. Validate file format: Confirm that the ACH text file you are uploading adheres to the required file format and structure specified by Check for any formatting errors or discrepancies that might cause issues with the file processing.

  4. Coordinate with support: Contact's customer support or technical team to report the issue and seek assistance. They should be able to provide more specific guidance on how to resolve this particular error in their system. Be prepared to share details about the file format and content to help them identify the root cause.

  5. Consider testing with sample data: If available, use a test or sample ACH file provided by to ensure that the upload process is functioning correctly. This can help rule out issues related to the file format or other technical problems.

Keep in mind that specific error codes and troubleshooting steps can vary between different ACH providers and systems. Therefore, it's essential to consult's documentation, support resources, or reach out to their support team directly to get precise guidance on resolving the "21-mismatchtotaldebitforbatch" error.